949-533-1006 | Call or Text us! | tino@tinoproductions.com

While it’s true that Tino Productions are widely known for being a huge draw at Disneyland and it’s sister and cousin venues, the band also performs at a variety of other functions. As expected a band like Tino Productions are popular at weddings and anniversary celebrations but are equally as popular with those who are holding fundraising events and even corporate events. When the Orange County Register wrote “Behold the 8th Wonder of the World” about the energetic band they where, in part speaking of the bands ability to adept to any event and to it’s ability to play virtually any musical style.

These traits are what make Tino Productions perfect for any fundraising or corporate event. At both types of events you want the attention of those in attendance and want them to be warm to the things you plan on speaking about. Tino Productions brings not only a myriad of musical styles to such events but energy that warms and excites an audience. This energy helps to loosen a crowd up and puts them in a great mood as good live bands often do.

Those who attend a fundraising event expect to spend some money but many people are put off when they’re asked to open their pocket books up upon arrival. The excitement and energy that Tino Production delivers during it’s performances will help those who attend a fundraiser feel more comfortable and relaxed. The more relaxed someone is the more they may be willing to donate to your cause.

Most of the people who attend corporate events expect a long, drab, and boring meeting or gathering. Even if the event is a holiday party or some other type of company celebration, most attendees don’t expect much when walking into such scenarios. A live band like Tino Productions brings life to meetings and parties and are always a welcome surprise by those who attend such an event. An entertained crowd is a happy crowd and if your looking to give your employees a treat a band like this is the only way to go. Corporate holiday parties and milestone celebrations are occasions at which Tino Productions should be included. A live performance by Tino Productions is a real treat and is one that your employees won’t soon forget.

If you are planning on holding either a fundraiser or some type of corporate event consider Tino Productions for your event entertainment. For more information contact us today!